Welcome to our latest news page. We aim to keep all our Members and Supporters up to date with the latest news and updates. Please do contact us
to share your news.
February 2025
Ahead of our show on Sunday 23rd February, please note the below important information:
Gates will open at 7am, please do not arrive earlier than this time.
The final timetable with entry numbers and jumping order have been posted on our website and Facebook page. Please note the not before times listed on the timetable, classes will not run before this time, but may run after so please keep an eye on your ring. As per the timetable, ring 2 will move to the large outdoor arena from class 29 onwards. This is necessary to accommodate the size of the classes.
All WHP competitors must declare to the ring steward BEFORE the start of the class. We have a lot to fit in and will be moving at a pace through these classes, if you do not declare we will assume you are not there.
Please make sure you bring with you any membership cards or qualification cards that need signing. We cannot provide these on the day and this is especially important if you are competing in the RIHS WHP classes.
Working in will be available in both outdoor arenas until 9am. The large outdoor will remain available for flat warm up until 12.30. The far indoor school (ring 2 am) will be exclusively reserved for lead rein and first ridden working in prior to the start of classes and when stood down during the morning. We will make both flat rings available for working-in when stood down during the day. Please respect our stewards and officials when you are asked to vacate the ring. Please note: there is to be no lunging on the surfaces.
A few final items:
- The café will be open for refreshments
- Back numbers are available to be collected from the secretary, which will be located indoors under the stairs (next to the café).
- The road to Bury Farm is now fully open
We look forward to welcoming you all to kick off the 2025 season and wish you all the best of luck!
February 2025
Just one week to go until our winter show! Pre-entry numbers as of 15th February have been posted on our Facebook page. A big thank you to all our generous sponsors who have supported the show including Stephen Cradock, Louise Gaunt, Vikki Smith, Jacqui Brooking, The Radford Jones Family and Wakes End Farm Equestrian.
January 2025
Entries are now open for our winter show at Bury Farm. Full schedule, timetable and judges now available on our show page. Entries close on Friday 21st February - no entries on the day. Please follow the entry link on our show page to enter.
December 2024
All judges for our winter show on Sunday 23rd February 2025 are now confirmed. Please visit our show page to view the timetable and judges list. A full schedule will be available in January.
October 2024
Following the success of our first Arena Eventing in October, we are pleased to confirm entries are now open for the second event in the series on Sunday 10th November. Classes 2, 3 4 & 5 are qualifiers for the NPS / Anthony Evans Arena Eventing Challenge Final 2025. Please visit our show page to view the full schedule and for the link to online entries.
September 2024
In conjunction with TSR, we will be holding a flat showing clinic in February 2025. Further information and date coming soon.
September 2024
We're pleased to be holding an Arena Eventing Winter Series at Manor Farm, Kingsey Bucks (by kind permission of Tracey North). The course will consist of showjumps in the indoor arena and working hunter jumps in the outdoor arena including a water splash and bank. Classes will be 50cms to 90cms. Visit our show page for further information, full schedule and entries.
August 2024
Thank you to all who supported our shows in 2024. Our 2025 show dates for your diary are as follows:
Sunday 23rd February - Winter Show at Bury Farm Equestrian
Sunday 6th July - Summer Show at Addington Equestrian
July 2024
To all competitors - Ahead of our show tomorrow, please note the below important information:
Gates will open at 6am, please do not arrive earlier than this time.
A copy of the final timetable with pre entry numbers, ring layout plan, and jumping order have been posted on our website. Please note the not before times listed on the timetable, classes will not run before this time, but may run after. Please note there is a discrepancy between the schedule and timetable for the not before time for the HOYS M&M LR/FR section. We shall run as per the timetable and these classes will not start before 2pm. We will do our best to keep everyone updated tomorrow but please keep an eye on your rings.
All WHP competitors must declare to the ring steward BEFORE the start of the class. We have a lot to fit in and will be moving at a pace through these classes, if you do not declare we will assume you are not there. The jumping order will not be changing under any circumstance and as always at our shows, the later you entered the earlier you will jump!
All flat rings will be available for working-in prior to 8am and when stood down during the day. Please respect our stewards and officials when you are asked to vacate the ring. The small indoor arena will be available for warm up throughout the day. Please do not use the International indoor arena. Due to recent wet weather and safety concerns, Addington has requested that we stay off the grass field at the bottom of the rings. Addington will permit lunging on the surfaces, however please be sensible and safe.
Access to ring 4 will be via the horse walk at the top end of the lorry park near the indoor arena, all other rings and warm up to be accessed via the horse walk near ring 1.
Silverstone - please be aware that this is running this weekend and could cause travel disruption. The A43 from the M1 junction will be closed from mid morning. If you are coming South later in the day, exit the M1 at either Junction 15 and head for the A508 , or Junction 14 and come via A421. If you are travelling south on the M40 exit at junction 9 Bicester and use the ring road towards Buckingham (avoiding the town centre).
The Terrace cafe will be open for refreshments and Addington will be putting on a BBQ later in the day.
Back numbers can be collected from the show office near the indoor arenas. If you are lucky enough to win prize money this can also be collected from the show office.
We would very much appreciate it if everyone could help with poo picking throughout the day in the arenas and please do not muck your lorries out onto the lorry park. Horses are not to be tied to the side of lorries or trailers. Dogs are to be kept on leads at all times and are not permitted indoors.
Lastly, we would like to thank our very generous show sponsors; The Radford Jones Family; and the Countess of Macclesfield. Your support is very much appreciated, thank you.
If anyone has any queries on the day, please come and see us in the show office. We look forward to welcoming you all and wish you all the best of luck!
July 2024
Less than a week to go until our Summer Show. The following changes have been made to the schedule:
- Unfortunately we have made the decision to cancel the dressage due to lack of entries.
Change of judge
- Due to illness, Mr M Fry is no longer able to judge the HOYS M&M Ridden (performance) and will be replaced by Mrs Sue Palmer.
June 2024
Just over two weeks to go until our Summer Show at Addington Equestrian on Sunday 7th July.
Thank you to our very generous sponsors for their support:
The Radford Jones Family
The Countess of Macclesfield
There are still sponsorship opportunities available and we'll say thank you on the day with refreshments and a slice of homemade cake. Please email us for further information: info@npsarea7.com
June 2024
Entries now open for our summer show! To be held at Addington Equestrian on Sunday 7th July.
Visit our show page for full schedule and timetable. Classes include:
HOYS M&M Ridden Qualifiers
HOYS M&M WHP Qualifiers
HOYS M&M LR & FR Qualifiers
HOYS M&M Junior Ridden Qualifiers
NPS Dressage
March 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported our winter show and congratulations to all the winners.
More information coming soon for our summer show, to be held at Addington Equestrian on Sunday 7th July.
Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for updates.
February 2024
Ahead of our show on Sunday 25th February, please note the below important information:
Gates will open at 7am, please do not arrive earlier than this time.
The final timetable with pre entry numbers, ring layout plan and jumping order have been posted on our website. Please note the not before times listed on the timetable, classes will not run before this time, but may run after so please keep an eye on your rings. As per the ring plan, ring 2 will move to the large outdoor arena from 12.30. This is necessary to accommodate the size of the classes.
All WHP competitors must declare to the ring steward BEFORE the start of the class. We have a lot to fit in and will be moving at a pace through these classes, if you do not declare we will assume you are not there.
Please make sure you bring with you any membership cards or qualification cards that need signing. We cannot provide these on the day and this is especially important if you are competing in the RIHS WHP classes.
Working in will be available in both outdoor arenas until 9am. The large outdoor will remain available for flat warm up until 12.30. The far indoor school (ring 2 am) will be exclusively reserved for lead rein and first ridden working in prior to the start of classes and when stood down during the morning. It will be available after 12.30 for anyone to use.
Please note that for safety reasons a maximum of 4 competitors will be allowed in the practice jump area at one time. There is plenty of other space for flat warm up.
We will make both flat rings available for working-in when stood down during the day. Please respect our stewards and officials when you are asked to vacate the ring.
There is to be no lunging on the surfaces.
The cafe will be available for refreshments.
Back numbers - It would be helpful if competitors were able to bring their own back numbers. Your back number will be listed on your entry confirmation. We will however have some in the office if anyone needs them.
If anyone has any emergencies on the day, please see the girls in the office.
We look forward to welcoming you all to kick off the 2024 season and wish you all the best of luck!
January 2024
Date to be announced soon
We are pleased to have been awarded the following HOYS qualifiers for our summer show:
- NPS/Baileys Horse Feeds Ridden M&M qualifiers for:
Fell, Dales & New Forest
Welsh A, B, C & D
- Colne M&M Lead Rein
- Sweet Dreams Show Confectioners First Ridden
- Thor Atkinson Steel Fabrications M&M WHP
- Weston Stud Junior M&M Ridden
January 2024
Entries are now open for our Winter Show to be held at Bury Farm Equestrian on Sunday 24th February.
Classes include NPS RIHS M&M WHP Qualifiers and UKPH RIHS Junior & Amateur Qualifiers, as well as a range of classes for novice and open ponies including NPS Spring Festival & Summer Champs qualifiers, CHAPS classes and TGCA Quest For A Star Championship.
For full schedule and timetable, please see our shows page.
Entries close Friday 23rd February - no entries will be taken on the day.
October 2023
Winter Show at Bury Farm Equestrian.
To include NPS/Supreme Products M&M WHP RIHS qualifiers.
More information coming soon.
August 2023
Thank you to everybody who attended our Summer Show at Addington Equestrian on Saturday 8th July. We hope you had a successful show and congratulations to all the winners. Thank you to our team of judges and stewards who worked hard on the day to get through all the classes.
More information coming soon on our Winter Show to be held at Bury Farm Equestrian on Sunday 25th February.
June 2023
Less than a week until our summer show and only 4 days left to enter!
Directions to Addington Equestrian (MK18 2RJ):
M1 South - Do Not Use Junction 16 (ignore sat nav) - Go down to 15, take the A508 to Stony Stratford then the A422 to Buckingham and A413 to Addington
(This will only add about 5 minutes onto your journey time)
M40 South - Do Not Use Junction 11 the Banbury Turn go down to Junction 10
(Most Sat Navs will use this route anyway)
Competitors coming from the north... Please be aware it is the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on the weekend of the show. Please check your route as there is a one way system running on the A43.
June 2023
Just over 1 week to get your entries in for our summer show at Addington Equestrian on Saturday 8th June.
Online entries close at 12noon on Thursday 6th July - no entries on the day.
Competitors coming from the north... Please be aware it is the British Grand Prix at Silverstone on the weekend of the show. Please check your route as there is a one way system running on the A43.
Stabling can be booked directly through Addington. Please follow the below link:
May 2023
Entries are now open for our Summer Show to be held at Addington Equestrian on Saturday 8th May.
The schedule, timetable, judges and online entries are now available on our 'Shows' page.
Online entries close at 12noon on Thursday 6th July - no entries on the day.
December 2022
We are delighted that we have been allocated UK Ponies and Horses RIHS qualifiers for Young Riders and Amateurs
judge : Mrs Sandy Wooderson
Additional classes being added to the online entries and schedules asap
November 2022
RI WHP Judges confirmed Cheryl Frith and Stephen Howard
NPS Winter Qualifiers Mrs Katherine Hartenfield Bowling
Entries open 1st December
April 2022
Our dressage members have had great success and we have a good number entering the dresssage finals at Bury
Farm on the 22nd May - we even have an Area 7 team - good luck to you all
The final schedule and timetable are now available and entries will open soon.
Thank you to everyone who attended our very successful show - you were all very well behaved
We are now moving onto the Summer Show keep looking at this site for updated information
Horse & Country (H&C) are delighted to be offering live coverage from The National Pony Society Winter Show 2022 on Sunday 13th February. Members of H&C+ will be able to live stream the event and watch back on-demand.
H&C+ is available to purchase worldwide from just £5.99*/month, with no contract. Find out more about the service, here: horseandcountry.tv/subscribe
*Please note, pricing may vary depending on your country of residence. Head to horseandcountry.tv/subscribe for further details.
*Please note, pricing may vary depending on your country of residence. Head to horseandcountry.tv/subscribe for further details.
January 2022
There is now a waiting list for training stakes classes except the small height where a few spaces remain
You have just over a week to get entries in so please dont leave until the last minute
Classes may be entered on the day (unless they have been closed) - we are able to take credit/debit card payments and would prefer
that then cash
Entries are coming in
Please remember to sooner you enter the workers the later you jump -so if you dont want to
jump first dont leave it until Show Day
Please see COVID rules on the Show page
22nd October 2021
We are in the process of putting together the yearly review and would love to hear your news, results and achievements in relation to NPS competitions
Please email or give us a call
28th July
Whilst track and trace is not required at Bury Farm they will still require facemasks in the cafe and toilet area
Entries close next Monday 2nd at the standard rate and reopen at an increased rate on Tuesday until Friday when entries close at midnight
no adjustments can be made after that date
A revised timetable will be available from Sunday with some not before times based on entry numbers
18th July 2021
Mrs Rachel Bown is our in hand and junior judge not Bowen - slip of the keyboard
Geldings1/2 and 3 year olds are eligible for the Price Family In Hand supreme
4 years and over geldings can compete in the classes but cannot compete in the Supreme in Hand
All stable and hook up bookings must be applied for through Bury Farm forthe August Show
13th June 2021
Now our Performance Show has been completed on a very warm June day we now move onto the Summer Show
The Schedule is almost ready and the Judges are now on the Show Page - Results will be posted on the facebook page only
We shall be using the surfaces at Bury Farm for all classes however some warm up may be on the grass.
We shall be having a 2 tier enter structure
Entries will close midday Sunday 1st August at the standard rate
The will then re-open on the Monday until midday on the Friday at an additional cost of £10 per class
Only then will we be able to advise of further timings so please do not pester us before the final closing date and it isimpossible to gauge how many enter at the last minute
Current COVID rules will apply
Stabling is available but must be booked directly with Bury Farm Equestrian
Please keep an eye on this page for further details
Delighted to have been awarded a great number of the 2021 Horse of the Year Show qualifiers - full details of which are on the HOYS website.
Committee hard at work preparing a schedule and inviting judges
This Show will be at Bury Farm Equestrian 10th and 11th August
Plans are now underway for a WHP Show on June 13th at Bury Farm in order to hold the very last of the RIHS Native WHP qualifiers
Please keep en eye on the website and facebook page
Apologies due to complete lack of interest we have decided to cancel the Virtual Show
Please support our New Virtual Video Show - just some fun the fill the big gap!!! but there are Rosettes, Sashes and prize money for one of the classes
Whilst everyone is disappointed that the 2020 season finished no sooner than it started I think we all want to stay safe and if that means a long wait until fun begins again then so be it. The Committee (currently just 4!) will continue to monitor events as they develop, please continue to support the Society, they will need your membership to survive
Back by popular demand Amy Smith Working Hunter Clinic at Manor Farm, Kinsey, Nr Thame
Sunday 29th March please contact Alison Jones for a space 07866892187 - spaces go fast so dont delay
Young Judges - would you like to be part of the 2020 Young Judges team for ages 10-25
Contact Debbie Spears for details 07798900835
Well that is a wrap for the 2020 Winter Show.
Weather conditions were far from ideal and whilst we respect the wishes of those of you who stayed at home we thank those that attended
There was a lovely atmosphere and some lovely ponies.
Results and mark sheets can be obtained from:
Show Secretary Jessica Suffliing 07974107647
please do not call after 9pm and be patient if not answered immediately as Jess works. Alternatively please email her on jessfaraday@yahoo.co.uk or call Chairman Alison Jones on 07866892187
Watch out for further Spring training dates at Kingsey, Oxon
The Summer Show date is Saturday 27th June at Addington EC details to follow